Top 10 Most Iconic Weapons in Final Fantasy and How to Obtain Them

Greg Burn

Top 10 Most Iconic Weapons in Final Fantasy and How to Obtain Them

Throughout the decades, the Final Fantasy series has captivated players with its rich storytelling, immersive worlds, and memorable characters. An integral part of the adventure in these games is the collection of powerful and iconic weapons, each with its unique lore, design, and abilities. These weapons not only enhance the gameplay experience but also hold sentimental value for gamers who have journeyed through the vast expanses of Final Fantasy. This article will guide you through the top 10 most iconic weapons from the Final Fantasy series and provide detailed instructions on how you can obtain them to ensure your arsenal is second to none.

1. Buster Sword – Final Fantasy VII

The Buster Sword, wielded by Cloud Strife, is perhaps the most iconic weapon in the entire Final Fantasy series. Symbolizing Cloud's strength and the burdens he carries, this massive blade is a symbol of Final Fantasy VII's legacy.

How to Obtain:

The Buster Sword is Cloud's starting weapon in Final Fantasy VII. In the remake, the sword is enhanced through upgrades as the story progresses, encapsulating the journey of its wielder.

2. Ultima Weapon – Multiple Titles

Appearing in several Final Fantasy games, the Ultima Weapon is often one of the most powerful obtainable weapons for the protagonist. Its power typically scales with the wielder's HP or strength, making it a devastating tool in the right hands.

How to Obtain in Final Fantasy VII:

In Final Fantasy VII, players can acquire the Ultima Weapon by defeating the Ultimate Weapon, a formidable enemy encountered in the later stages of the game. Victory grants Cloud this mighty sword, befitting his leading role.

3. Masamune – Multiple Titles

Final Fantasy

The Masamune, often associated with Sephiroth and other characters across the series, is a long katana that is as elegant as it is deadly. Its sleek design and association with strength have cemented its place in Final Fantasy lore.

How to Obtain in Final Fantasy VII:

While not obtainable for player use in Final Fantasy VII, the Masamune symbolizes the power and mystery of Sephiroth. In Final Fantasy Tactics, it can be acquired through specific battles or as rare loot.

4. Excalibur – Multiple Titles

Excalibur is the quintessential holy sword found in several incarnations throughout the series. Symbolizing purity and strength, it is often obtained through complex side quests, symbolizing the hero's journey from a warrior to a legendary figure.

How to Obtain in Final Fantasy IX:

In Final Fantasy IX, obtaining Excalibur involves completing a series of trades within the "Cotton Robe" side quest, culminating in an exchange for the sword. The quest embodies the spirit of adventure and determination that Excalibur represents.

5. Gunblade – Final Fantasy VIII

The Gunblade, primarily wielded by Squall Leonhart, is a unique combination of a sword and firearm, symbolizing the fusion of traditional and modern combat. Its innovative design and the technique required to master it have made it a fan favorite.

How to Obtain:

Squall starts with the Revolver model of the Gunblade in Final Fantasy VIII. Upgrading to more powerful versions, such as the Lion Heart, requires collecting specific items and magazine guides to learn the recipes, emphasizing the character's growth.

6. Auron's Katana – Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy

Auron, the stoic guardian from Final Fantasy X, wields a collection of Katanas with each bearing distinctive designs. These weapons not only reflect Auron's samurai-like demeanor but also his mysterious past and deep connection to the game's lore.

How to Obtain:

Most of Auron's Katanas are obtained through the game's standard progression or by unlocking them in treasure chests. The ultimate weapon, Masamune, is acquired by coming full circle in the game's celestial weapon quest, reinforcing the themes of fate and redemption.

7. Lion Heart – Final Fantasy VIII

The Lion Heart is the ultimate version of Squall's Gunblade and is synonymous with his character's evolution and the climax of his journey in Final Fantasy VIII. Its design and the prowess it bestows upon Squall make it a legendary weapon in the series.

How to Obtain:

To forge the Lion Heart, players must collect a series of rare items, including Adamantine and Pulse Ammo, often requiring significant exploration and mastery of the game's mechanics. This quest mirrors Squall's own growth from a lone wolf to a true leader.

8. Lightbringer – Final Fantasy VI

The Lightbringer, also known as Illumina in some translations, is one of the most powerful weapons in Final Fantasy VI. It boasts immense power and the chance to cast Holy upon striking, weaving magic and might together.

How to Obtain:

Obtaining the Lightbringer involves participating in the Dragon's Den dungeon or the Coliseum, depending on the game's version. Both routes are arduous, requiring players to overcome significant challenges, reflecting the weapon's legacy of power.

9. Ragnarok – Multiple Titles

Final Fantasy

The Ragnarok sword is another recurring weapon across the Final Fantasy series. Its lore is often tied to themes of apocalypse and rebirth, making it not just a weapon but a symbol of the cycles of destruction and renewal that many characters confront.

How to Obtain in Final Fantasy VI:

In Final Fantasy VI, players face a moral dilemma: to keep the Ragnarok as a powerful magicite, granting access to potent magic, or to forge it into the sword, one of the mightiest weapons. This choice emphasizes the themes of sacrifice and wisdom.

10. Save the Queen – Multiple Titles

Save the Queen is a recurring powerful sword, often wielded by knightly characters or available as a top-tier weapon for them. It symbolizes protection and valor, embodying the chivalric ideals evident in its holders, such as Beatrix of Final Fantasy IX.

How to Obtain in Final Fantasy IX:

In Final Fantasy IX, Save the Queen is not available for player use but is closely associated with Beatrix, symbolizing her unwavering loyalty and strength. In other titles such as Final Fantasy XII, it can be obtained through specific quests or chests, providing a boost to characters embodying similar virtues.


The weapons in the Final Fantasy series are more than just tools for battle. They carry the stories, struggles, and spirits of their wielders, making them integral to the series' narrative depth and gameplay enjoyment. Whether you're a newcomer, obtaining these iconic weapons not only enhances your gameplay but also connects you more deeply with the rich lore of Final Fantasy. As you embark on your quest to obtain these legendary arms, remember that each weapon symbolizes the journey its bearer has been through and, perhaps, mirrors your own adventures within these fantastical worlds.
