The Ultimate Guide to Mastering 'Cyberpunk 2077': Weapons, Modifications and Skills

Greg Burn

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering 'Cyberpunk 2077': Weapons, Modifications and Skills

Welcome to the ultimate guide to mastering Cyberpunk 2077, one of the decade's most anticipated and complex RPGs. Designed by CD Projekt, the minds behind the critically acclaimed Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 boasts a deeply immersive world with a multitude of weapons, modification options, and skills for players to explore. This exhaustive manual delves deep into the specifics, providing beneficial knowledge to assist you in traversing and mastering Night City. This vast urban jungle is as treacherous as it is dynamic.

A Primer on Cyberpunk 2077 Weapons

In Cyberpunk 2077, weapons come in three primary versions: Power, Tech, and Smart. Each weapon type has unique features and brings specific benefits to combat. Power weapons, for instance, deal more damage to enemies and can ricochet bullets off surfaces. They're perfect for gamers who thrive in heavy and aggressive playstyles. Tech weapons, on the other hand, penetrate through walls, providing you with opportunities for strategic takedowns. Then there are Smart weapons that track and follow enemies, an excellent option for gamers with a knack for long-range engagements.

Weapon Rarity and its Significance

Cyberpunk 2077

Like most RPGs, Cyberpunk 2077 adopts a color-coded system to denote the rarity of weapons. This system is not just a visual cue but plays an important role in influencing your game strategy. A weapon's rarity directly relates to its potential power, effectiveness, and value. Grey-colored weapons are the most common, signaling basic weaponry that you may initially stumble upon or purchase. But as you explore Night City and its deep mysteries, you may encounter weapons of increased rarities, each indicated by a distinct color.

Orange denotes the rarest class of weapons, often boasting superior damage potential and special attributes. However, obtaining these coveted weapons requires significant exploration, completing complex quests, or investing considerable resources. The trade-off, however, can drastically enhance your combat capabilities.

Understanding Weapon Modifications

Every weapon in Cyberpunk 2077 features a set number of slots available for modifications, often referred to as 'mods.' Mods serve as an enhancement tool, enabling you to fine-tune your weaponry to match your combat approach and the challenges you face in Night City. They effectively diversify your weapon's functionalities, allowing you to adapt to various situations and combat environments.

Cyberpunk 2077

Mods vary in nature and application. Silencer mods, for instance, are perfect for those who prefer a stealthy approach, minimizing noise and preventing enemy detection. On the other hand, scopes improve your target acquisition, which is crucial for long-distance engagements or gaining the upper hand in a cover-based standoff.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that some of the rarest weapons come pre-installed with unique mods. These exclusive enhancements significantly augment a weapon’s power and functionality, and these weapons serve as priceless tools in your quest to dominate the streets of Night City. Having one in your armory can be a game-changer, providing unprecedented advantages and progressing your journey as a mercenary.

Skill Proficiencies and Perks

Cyberpunk 2077 presents a complex skill and perk system that allows you to fine-tune your character's abilities. Skills are segmented into several categories: Body, Intelligence, and Technical Ability. Progressing through the game and utilizing these skills will level them up, leading to better proficiencies and opening up a range of associated perks. Perks offer specific advantages tied to the skill categories, like improved hacking ability from the Intelligence skill or stronger combat performance in the Body category. Make sure to routinely check your perk tree and allocate points to build a character that suits your playstyle.

Cyberware – Enhancing Your Abilities

Cyberpunk 2077

One of the defining aspects of the Cyberpunk universe is cybernetic modifications. As a mercenary in Night City, you can install Cyberware – enhanced body parts that significantly boost your abilities. Cyberware can be anything from reinforced skin that increases your defense to neurally controlled reflex boosters that slow time during gun battles. Some Cyberware even provides entirely new abilities, like the Mantis Blades, turning your arms into deadly melee weapons. Keep in mind that high-end Cyberware requires a greater investment of resources for installation and upkeep.

Becoming a Master Mercenary

The path to mastering Cyberpunk 2077 is fraught with challenges and opportunities alike. Making the most of the tools and resources available in this intricate and immersive game is essential. This means having the courage to test and fine-tune various combinations until you find the right fit for your playing style and objectives.

Versatility is a significant asset in this game. Night City is a dynamic arena, always changing and demanding new survival and success strategies. Never restrict yourself to one type of weapon or mod. Each weapon type, Power, Tech, or Smart, has unique characteristics that can boost your playstyle or provide a novel approach to tackling challenging enemies or scenarios.

Cyberpunk 2077

Modification in Cyberpunk 2077 extends beyond just weapons. Your character's skills and Cyberware, the enhanced body parts that offer superhuman advantages, are also ripe for tinkering. These need consistent utilization and upgrades to augment their power. A rating increase in Technical Ability skill or the addition of new cyberware like the Mantis Blades can substantially alter your combat style, potentially making you more efficient and effective.

While striving for upgrades, don't lose sight of exploration. The vast and dense world of Night City is packed with hidden secrets, opportunities, and resources. Daring to tread beyond the known territory can present you with fresh armaments, unearthed modifications, distinctive Cyberware, or even occurrences that deeply enhance the gaming experience. Remember, every corner turned, every door opened, may lead to something that could entirely transform your Cyberpunk 2077 experience.


Cyberpunk 2077, with its intricate mechanics and dense world, can be overwhelming. However, understanding and mastering the dynamics of weapons, modifications, skills, and Cyberware can make your immersion even more enjoyable. This guide provides essential insights into these aspects of the game. However, Cyberpunk 2077 is about choices and their consequences. It's up to you to calibrate your experience as per your desires. Remember, in Night City, you can be anyone you want, but what matters most is whether you can survive and thrive in this neon-lit dystopia.
